Tonight from 5-8 is McTeacher Night at Hurricane McDonalds. Please stop by to help out the fifth graders for their end of year trip. Unfortunately, the county wide Title I PAC meeting previously scheduled for Tuesday; April 30 at the board office must be canceled. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. For those of you who shared your email address, you will be getting information from Liz Hoh. Thank you for the continuous support and partnership with our schools.
6 days ago, Lisa Lewis
Thanks for selling cookie dough for our fundraiser. All cookie dough orders and money are due Tuesday morning no later than 8:30. We are on a tight deadline and no late orders will be accepted.
7 days ago, Lisa Lewis
Please continue to help us raise money for our school by selling cookie dough. The sale ends 4/29. Please send in money and orders on Monday. The salesman will be at school at 8:30 on Tuesday morning to collect orders and money. Kids who sell 8 orders will participate in a reward party in May.
8 days ago, Lisa Lewis
The Chick-Fil-A pop up fundraiser for the fifth grade field trip will be Tuesday, April 23, from 5-7 at the Putnam County Bank beside Sheetz. You can order a classic chicken sandwich, waffle potatoes, chocolate chunk cookie and a drink for $12. To order ahead of time, call Jennifer Worrell at 304- 550-6176. You can also send the order form and money back Tuesday. Our schoolwide cookie dough fundraiser is also going on until 4/29. Students do not have school on Friday due to a Professional Learning Day for teachers.
14 days ago, Lisa Lewis
The PTO meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 18, at 6:00 pm has been cancelled. We have posted info on the Lakeside PTO page for upcoming events. The evening of May 9 is our Art Walk, evening bookfair, and parent appreciation event so make plans to attend. If you can help at the bookfair May 9-10 during the day or on the evening of May 9 (assist students or be a cashier), notify the school so we can pass that info along to the bookfair chair. Also, PTO is planning a teacher appreciation event in May. A flyer will be sent home with more info.
19 days ago, Lisa Lewis
Yearbook orders are due today, 4/12/24. Go to Passcode is 1016649083163995
24 days ago, Lisa Lewis
Bus 1803 is not running. Students living along route 60 will ride home on bus 1404. Steward Road kids will ride home on 1505. Sam's Fork kids will ride home on 1204.
about 2 months ago, Lisa Lewis
Easter Parties will be on 3/28 at 1:30 for grades K-4 and on 3/26 at 1:30 for 5th grade (due to choral festival practice). If you are a homeroom parent, please coordinate party activities with your classroom teachers and other parents. Remember to provide healthy, allergen free snacks.
about 2 months ago, Lisa Lewis
Texas Roadhouse Rolls are being delivered today at 2:00. We will have to do a quick sort before handing out. We hope to have them sorted by parent pick up time. Please make plans to pick up by 4:00 Monday.
about 2 months ago, Lisa Lewis
Third and fourth graders will be taking the WV Writing Assessment Wednesday and fifth graders will be taking the test on Thursday. Please make sure your student is on time, well rested, and eats breakfast at home or school. This test must be completed in one day so children need to be on time and cannot be checked out during the test. It will be combined with the assessment in May for a total English Language Arts score. We expect great work from them.
2 months ago, Lisa Lewis
Dr. Seuss Celebration Week March 4-8 Monday-hat day Tuesday-dress wacky Wednesday-crazy sock day Thursday-wear your favorite color Friday-Dress like your favorite Seuss character Make sure to read 10 to 20 minutes daily with your child for academic success. The Texas Roadhouse Roll fundraiser is due Tuesday, March 5. Help PTO by ordering rolls. Proceeds go towards the Santa Shop for next year.
2 months ago, Lisa Lewis
Reminder: Today is the 3 hour early dismissal. School will let out at 11:45.
3 months ago, Lisa Lewis
If you pick up your child and use Henson Road as a waiting point, please ensure you are pulled over far enough for the residents on that road to get through. They would appreciate the consideration.
3 months ago, Lisa Lewis
We have made it 70% of the way to our school goal! This weekend will be the last couple of days to raise money for the Kids Heart Challenge! The class with the highest amount raised will receive some playground equipment. The student in each class who raises the most money will get to be PE teacher for the day next week!
3 months ago, Lisa Lewis
ROC Watch – Visitor Management System for Schools Putnam County Schools has partnered with Rank One Computing (, a United States-based company and world leader in biometric face recognition and computer vision solutions, to introduce a Safer Schools Initiative, ROC Watch. The added layer of school safety and security at each of our schools in Putnam County will provide enhanced security via real-time monitoring of visitors entering schools. You will receive a secure link via text message on your mobile phone in the next 48 hours to enroll in the visitor management system. The visitor management system allows Putnam County Schools to deter building access of all unauthorized individuals, including the ability to revoke access for legally restricted persons, former staff, expelled students, and child sex offenders. Please use the link below to learn about ROC Watch and detailed steps outlining the enrollment process. It is a simple three step process.
3 months ago, Lisa Lewis
Feb. 12-16 will be our bookfair week. If your child's class does library on Tuesday, they will go to the bookfair on Tuesday and Wednesday. If your child's class does library on Thursday, they will go to the bookfair on Monday and Thursday. If kids didn't bring money on those days, they can go early Friday before 10:00. The bookfair will be open during the dance on the 15th and for a few minutes after the Valentine parties on the 14th.
3 months ago, Lisa Lewis
It’s our final week of Kids Heart Challenge! We are having a blast learning how to keep our hearts and minds healthy and happy. I’m so proud of our students and families. Together, our efforts will help save lives! There’s still time to help us reach our goal of 100% of families completing Finn’s Mission and learning the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR. Please complete Finn’s Mission (if you haven’t already) by 2/9.Here’s how you can help: · Register: or download the free “AHA Schools” app.Complete Finn’s Mission: Watch the 2-minute Hands-Only CPR video featuring cardiac arrest survivor, Damar Hamlin, and watch a music video on the warning signs of a stroke (F.A.S.T.).Share with Family & Friends: Send messages via social media, text messages and/or email.Help our class win the classroom challenge by registering and completing Finn’s Mission. We can create a community of lifesavers!
3 months ago, Lisa Lewis