Follow us on Twitter: @hhscounselors_ for the latest scholarship and education updates!

To contact by phone, dial 304-562-9851, followed by the counselor's extension.

Jennifer Marinacci - Email Ext: 4121
Mrs. Marinacci is the School Counselor for students whose last name begins with A-D. She is also the counselor for all ESL students. Mrs. Marinacci is also the contact for the Military, College Visits and Fairs. Mrs. Marinacci is also the PSAT Coordinator.

Marshall Merritt - Email Ext: 4123
Mr. Merritt is the School Counselor for students whose last name begins with E-K. Mr. Merritt is also your Hurricane High School contact for Scholarship Information, Work Permits, and all information concerning the SAT Statewide Standardized Test. He is also the HHS counseling department social media coordinator.

Molly McCann - Email. Ext: 4122
Mrs. McCann is the School Counselor for students whose last name begins with L-R. Mrs. McCann is also your Hurricane High School contact for NCAA, coordinating scheduling, and senior bulletin. She is also the navigate program coordinator.

Sarah Barnes - Email. Ext: 4120
Mrs. Barnes is the School Counselor for students whose last name begins with S-Z. She is also the counselor for all Foreign Exchange Students. Mrs. Barnes is the Educator Contact for the student lead, Welcome Club. Mrs. Barnes is your contact for all questions regarding our Financial Aid Workshops.